The following was posted on X on Sunday, September 17, Constitution Day.
Sadly, we have lost this crucial understanding over the last 90 years:
The U.S. Constitution is a "loan agreement."
Between "We the People" (the sovereign) and our federal and state governments.
We loan these governments limited, specific, enumerated, and divided powers.
In exchange, they promise to protect our liberty.
We do not get our rights from the Constitution.
We do not have our rights to speak, associate, worship, and protect ourselves because of the First and Second Amendments.
These are natural rights; they come from God.
We never loaned the federal government the power to restrict these rights.
So the federal government does not have that power.
The First and Second Amendments just make damn sure.
The Bill of Rights is an insurance policy.
To win the Constitution's ratification from our skeptical Founding Fathers.
This is the opposite of Britain, from which we escaped.
The British Monarch--instead of the British people--is the sovereign.
In Britain, power flows from God.
To the (sovereign) Monarch.
The Monarch grants British subjects their rights.
Through the Magna Carta and similar grants.
In America, power flows from God.
To We The (sovereign) People.
We loan powers to the federal and state governments.
This was a radical concept at our revolutionary founding.
The Constitution's structural separation of powers--between three coequal branches of the federal government, and between the federal and state governments--has made America the greatest nation in human history.
And greatest force for good.
The federal government has breached the Constitution's loan agreement.
Our federal government is out-of-control.
Spending is destructive.
COVID mandates.
Churches closed.
Gag orders.
Gun grabs.
More than ninety years ago, the Supreme Court turned the Constitution from a shield that protects us from the federal government.
Into a sword the federal government uses to come after us.
"The switch in time that saved nine."
The federal government only has limited power, specifically stated in the Constitution.
The federal government has all power, unless the Constitution specifically restricts it.
The Supreme Court and the rest of the federal judiciary's must crucial job over the next 30 years is restoring the Founders' constitutional vision.
And dismantling today's out-of-control Executive Branch.
If this does not happen, we are going to lose our country.
We must never lose our revolutionary spirit.
Thank you Mike for your courage and relentless defense of all that is good and right in our nation. ‘Be lovers of the freedom and anxious for the fray’
Thank you Mike!
You are doing great work.
Love you on the War Room.